Yesterday we went on a Steelhead hunt down the Stamp River with Ian
'The Rambling Fisherman'. The day started out sunny and clear as we cruised the upper portion of the river. We tried a number of spots but finding the elusive steelhead among the thousands of Springs was no easy task. I hooked into a few old boys, and one of these hookups ended in a dramatic comedy of errors that is typical of a day on the river for Chris and I. There was a rod overboard, a rod rescue, the release of a monster Spring! And a sudden torrential downpour within minutes. All this was accomplished with the good humour and nerves of steel of our guide.
Shortly after this episode Chris quickly hooked up one monster steelhead and then another. It was his lucky day as both were Hatchery males! We played a few other Steelies that day but these two beauties were the only ones landed.

To save face I will add a picture of my first Coho, caught a couple of weeks ago (on a day Chris was skunked). So I am calling us 'tied' for Stamp trips this year. We are heading out again tomorrow morning to see who will be victorious!