Friday, June 10, 2011

Gong Show on the River

Chris and Kris have continued to fish for Sockeye over the past week and the stock pile in the freezer is starting to look great. The three of us headed out the other day and unfortunately the river level was ridiculously high. On a good day there is very little fishable shoreline, but on this day it was about 20 feet across. I opted to sit this one out and just sat back to watch the show. This picture will give you an idea of how insanely tight the fishing can be on a weekend evening

For me there is nothing relaxing about getting into this line of men getting frustrated and annoyed with each other. The Jester and Prince stood in the water on the edge of a sharp drop off (never never would you find me there!) and had a lot of success in this spot out of the chaos a few feet away. The boys both caught their limits on this evening and I got a show better than any action flick at the theatre.

As mentioned in my previous post, often when you get a fish on in this spot you have to take it over the falls, away from the crowd to be able to land it. I managed to catch my fishing buddies carrying out one of these fish rescues on video. I will have to warn you that this is rated PG-13 as it includes an unintentional wardrobe malfunction.

Although I only managed about a dozen casts on this particular evening, I did manage to accomplish y first injury of the season. As I completed that magnificent video, I slipped on the wet rocky shore and landed on my leg and backside on a jagged rock and into a pool of water. After a drying out period my IPhone is as good as new, my leg on the other hand is sporting some interesting cuts and a massive purple bruise (I have a matching one in a more delicate area). I will include this picture to illicit some sympathy, as I am not happy with the amount given by my fishing partners!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some tough water to be fishing in, but, the rewards are obvious. Congrats to the guys on their fish. Sorry to see evidence of your fall. Hope your healing time is short so you can get after it soon! BTW, would you mind updating my blog link on your list. It is

