Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Introducing the River Jester...

First Sockeye

Today's post will be an introduction to the River Jester aka Kris. We met Kris through my friend, his lovely and very understanding wife Dana. Little did I know that we would soon be sharing many afternoons on shore and in the boat with him. Kris has a few distinct fishing quirks that always make our outings fun and frustrating, usually at the same time. This blog name is an homage to his constant cries of FISH ON.... FISH OFF. I, being a polite and considerate fisher always reel my line in immediately upon hearing the joyful shout of a fellow angler with a bite. By the time my line is almost in, the Jester has usually bellowed out a less exuberant FISH OFF and I have to cast again. I will forever maintain that if allowed to wait out each cast for an appropriate amount of time I would consistently catch more fish than both of the boys. Kris also has developed a habit of reeling his fish in a direct trajectory to wind it around my legs. No matter how much distance I try to put between us I inevitably end up jumping over his line and trying not to fall in the river at the same time.

Still smiling after taking a weight to the head because...

He caught his first elusive Chinook.. what a beauty!

When the two boys are fishing side by side it always ends with someone getting 'hooked' or smacked with a weight or their lines tangled in a mess of knots and curses. There is also a constant stream of laughter and smack talk that entertains not only us but those fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to be fishing near us.

Causing chaos on the Puntledge River

The Jester does have some good qualities that make him a valuable fishing partner. He is a very patient teacher, not my husbands best quality, why are men always more patient with other people's wives? He has taught me how to prepare my own gear and he also cleared up the mystery of bottom bouncing for me, after a discussion with my husband that almost led us to couples counselling. The Jester is also pretty fearless, on more than one occasion he has waded up to his chin to free my tangled line and once swam into a pool with a 20lb spring that would not give my line back to me after an hour of struggling. He will also sing old country songs in the car with me on the hour drive to the Sockeye grounds, definite bonus points for that!

The only fish caught this evening at Singing Sands

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